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April 27, 2009


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  • Fiduciary duties under ERISA "are the highest known to law.” Donovan v. Bierwirth, 680 F.2d 263, 272 (2d Cir. 1982).

    The ERISA Fiduciary Guidebook is written and maintained by B. Janell Grenier, Esq. Ms. Grenier is principal of the Grenier Law Firm, a Philadelphia-area law firm, and is licensed to practice in Pennsylvania, Utah, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Ms. Grenier has over 25 years of experience in advising and educating plan sponsors, plan fiduciaries, and Boards of Directors in complying with ERISA fiduciary laws. Ms. Grenier has been asked to comment on benefits issues, or has been quoted, by numerous national, regional and trade publications, including The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the National Law Journal, the Dallas Morning News, CCH, BNA, Thompson Publishing Group, SHRM's HRMagazine, Human Resource Executive Online, Employee Benefit News,, and CBS MarketWatch.
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